Disclaimer 声明


CFM treasures the free resources and help provided by biblical counseling organizations and teachers. Therefore, CFM has never charge tuition fees for the courses listed on this page, nor has it ever given permission for CFM’s students (including churches) to collect tuition fees (including explicitly priced donation fees) through recruiting students, etc., and we ask that the students (including churches) abide by this rule.Participants can support the running of the  CFM by giving.

Two Goals 两个目标


CFM is willing to accompany Chinese brothers and sisters with certain English proficiency to obtain the certification in biblical counseling of ACBC by providing resources that have been authorized to release for certification, and by going along with students through their certification applying journey with a plan, strategy, and guidance.


The Discipleship Counselor Certification of CFM is modeled after the ACBC certification process, and the curriculum framework is supplemented by self-developed practical and supervisory courses in addition to the Fundamentals Courses, the Advanced Courses, and the Theological Foundational Courses for biblical counselors which are all provided and authorized to translate by ACBC. Those who will have completed all the courses will receive the Discipleship Counseling Certification of CFM and may have the opportunity to become a counselor employed by a partner organization.

Learning Plan 2024年课程表


1、The courses marked with * are ACBC certification system courses. (The observation videos portion of the advanced course meets the requirements for ACBC certification.)
2、Except for the Special Project courses, others are all CFM Discipleship Counselor Certification courses.
3、In the Enhancement Courses of Category B,the study duration of the Theology Foundation of Biblical Counselors is 30 weeks (across 3 semesters) ,and the study duration of the Advanced Courses (Counseling Methods and Observation Videos) is 20 weeks (across 2 semesters).Students can choose the order of study of these two courses according to their own circumstances.
4、In the Specialized Courses of Category C, the study duration of the Key Points in Biblical Counseling is 20 weeks (across 2 semesters). The study duration of Counseling Supervision in Category D is 40 weeks (across 4 semesters).Students are required to take at least five courses out of Category C, and the Key Points in Biblical Counseling is mandatory. Students are required to complete the Marriage and Family Counseling Course before choosing to study Parenting Children Course.
5、If students persist in their studies, they are expected to complete the CFM certification in 14 semesters, or 3 and half years.

  • 每门课学习时间均为10周;
  • 建议按顺序完成A、B、C、D类课程;
  • C类课为选修课,但至少需完成4门才有资格申请CFM门训辅导员认证;
  • 在D类督导课中,学员需完成至少50人次辅导,完成后督导可帮助学员申请CFM门训辅导员认证。
  • 10 weeks of study for each course;
  • To complete Category A, B, C, D  in sequence;
  • Courses of Category C are optional, but at least 4 courses are required to be completed before being qualified to apply for CFM Discipleship Counseling Certification;
  • In supervision courses of Category D, the students need to complete at least 50 counseling sessions. After completion, the supervisor can help the students apply for CFM Discipleship Counseling Certification.


1、If you need to revise your assignment, you cannot register for the next class if you do not complete it by the ” Assignment Revision Submission Last Day “.
2、All recorded courses will be distributed to students on the “Admission Date”. For all live courses (online teaching), study group will be set up before the “Admission Date”, and the courses will begin on the very week of the “Admission Date”.

Course Recruitment Guidelines 课程招募简章

圣经辅导基础课程学习是ACBC基础在线培训的翻译版本,含29个小时,涉及圣经辅导根基、圣经辅导常见问题、婚姻家庭问题、特殊辅导问题及辅导方法等。讲员是来自全美最有影响力的圣经辅导导师、牧者,他们是:Heath Lambert、Daniel Wickert、Tim Keeter、Stuart Scott、Lance Quinn、Randy Patten、Tim Pasma、Jim Newheiser、Nicholas Ellen、Kevin Carson、Scott Mehl、Steve Viars等。

The Fundamentals Training Course is a translation from the same fundamentals training course of ACBC. It contains a total of 29 hours lectures, including the foundations of biblical counseling, common issues in biblical counseling, marriage and family issues, special counseling issues, and counseling methods. The speakers are some of the most influential biblical counseling instructors and pastors from across the United States: Heath Lambert, Daniel Wickert, Tim Keeter, Stuart Scott, Lance Quinn, Randy Patten, Tim Pasma, Jim Newheiser, Nicholas Ellen, Kevin Carson, Scott Mehl, Steve Viars, etc. 


Biblical counseling needs to be biblical, relying on God and His Word, the Bible, for every aspect of counseling (2 Pet 1:3-4; Ps 119:45). Therefore, for biblical counselors, it is important to understand the Bible and learn how to interpret it. This course uses the book “Grasping God’s Word” as a textbook and seeks to clearly explain how the Bible should be read, studied, interpreted and applied. The lecturer of this course,Brother Sun, earned his D.Min degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and he has been involved in hosting, translating, and teaching Bible interpretation courses in China and abroad for over ten years. In addition to pastoral activities in the church, he and his wife are very committed to biblical counseling and are in the process of being certified as ACBC biblical counselors.

22节课程(有音频也有视频,均有中文字幕),每节课1小时左右,另外,还有9小时的答题串讲视频。《辅导员神学根基课程》由ACBC录制、提供、授权CFM翻译(侧重神学内容讲授);9小时的参考视频为North Creek Church(北溪教会)的《ACBC圣经辅导员认证神学考试串讲》(侧重如何答题)。以上课程的讲授者均为有夯实的神学基础、且为ACBC圣经辅导员的牧者/教授讲授,他们是:Andrew Rogers、Greg Gifford、Nicholas Ellen、Dale Johnson、Sam Stephens、Ernie Baker、Stuart Scott、Steve Mawhorter等。本课程涵盖ACBC认证流程的所有神学考题。

The Course has 22 lectures (both audio and video, all with Chinese subtitles), each lecture is about 1 hour long. In addition, there are other videos(totaling 9 hours ) explaining how to complete the theology exam questions. The Theological Fundamental Courses are recorded and provided by ACBC, and is translated by CFM under the authorization of ACBC (focusing on theology content). The other 9-hour  video is  presented by North Creek Church (focusing on how to answer the theology exam questions). All speakers of these courses are pastors/professors who have a strong theological foundation and are also ACBC Biblical Counselors: Andrew Rogers, Greg Gifford, Nicholas Ellen, Dale Johnson, Sam Stephens, Ernie Baker, Stuart Scott, Steve Mawhorter and others. This course covers all the theology exam questions for the ACBC certification process.

本课程分为《圣经辅导根基与方法》及《圣经辅导观摩视频》两大板块。《圣经辅导根基与方法》讲义是韦恩·麦克(Wayne Mack)博士撰写的讲义编辑版本,由ACBC圣经辅导员D老师串讲。《圣经辅导观摩视频》的辅导者为“CFM机构翻译的权威圣经辅导课程”的讲员兰迪·派顿(Randy Patten)、吉姆·牛海瑟(Jim Newheiser)、希思·兰伯特(Heath Lambert)以及资深圣经辅导员卡罗琳·牛海瑟(Caroline Newheiser)。共12个小时/次辅导。其中,《圣经辅导观摩视频》是符合ACBC认证流程第一阶段“观摩视频”的要求(即需要观看至少10小时ACBC圣经辅导员的辅导)。

This subject course is divided into two sections: “Biblical Counseling Fundamentals and Methods” and “Biblical Counseling Observation Videos”. The handout of “Biblical Counseling Fundamentals and Methods” is an edited version of the writings by Dr. Wayne Mack, and is lectured by ACBC certified Biblical Counselor, teacher D. The Biblical Counseling Observation Videos are facilitated by Randy Patten, Jim Newheiser, and Heath Lambert, who are counselors in the biblical counseling courses translated by CFM, and a seasoned biblical counselor Caroline Newheiser. It contains 12 hours of counseling sessions. This subject course meets the ACBC certification process Phase I requirement of watching a minimum of 10 hours video of counseling sessions performed by ACBC certified biblical counselors.

本课程由北溪教会(North Creek Church)录制,CFM获授权翻译,课程涵盖ACBC圣经辅导员认证的所有辅导考试题目,学员需观看视频、完成辅导要点的小论文、同时,学员根据实操案例与辅导专家在线互动(没有实操对象CFM将予以推荐)。

This course was recorded by North Creek church and CFM was authorized to translate it. The course covers all counseling examination topics for pursing ACBC certification. Students are required to complete a short essay for each counseling exam questions after watching the videos. In the meantime, students will have opportunities to interact with BC experts online regarding specific practical counseling cases (CFM will recommend counselees to students if they do not have any).




This course is a follow-up to the Advanced Biblical Counseling course, which is a video-based seminar on biblical counseling methods.

The class will include both more specific instruction regarding the challenges of depression and bi-polar disorder, and the viewing and evaluation of a set of five observation videos demonstrating a biblical counseling approach to a marriage in which the husband has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder.

The observation videos were recorded by IBCD and translated by CFM with the permission of IBCD.The biblical counselor in the observation videos is Dr. H, who is also the instructor of this class. Teacher D will lead the students to watch the videos and do the evaluation.Dr. H will teach about “medical and biblical counseling” and answered questions raised by the students.



All Christians, no matter in any relationship, at any age, need to know biblical forgiveness and reconciliation. This course is developed in-house by CFM and is presented by a BC expert. The textbook of this course is Unpacking Forgiveness, recommended by ACBC and translated by CFM under the permission of CROSSWAY Press.

The course will require participants to have hands-on counselee (it’s not necessarily a formal counseling) in order to put what they learn into practice. All participants may have the opportunity to interact with the instructor on specific cases.

  • 点击下载教学计划范例(待排)

任何人都离不开婚姻与家庭问题的思考,无论是单身还是已婚;无论是年少还是年老。对于基督徒来说,了解何为圣经中的“家庭”、“婚姻”、“家庭角色”等等是尤为必要的。本课为视频翻译课程,内容为恩主大学(Master University)圣经辅导硕士的专业课程。由Jogh Street主讲。


Whether single or married, young or old, no one is immune from thinking about marriage and family issues. It is especially important for Christians to understand what the Bible means by “family,” “marriage,” “family roles,” and so on. This course was translated by CFM from the videos of Master University. These videos are derived from its Master Program of Biblical Counseling. And it was presented by John Street.

The course will require participants to have hands-on counselee (it’s not necessarily a formal counseling) in order to put what they learn into practice. All participants may have the opportunity to interact with the instructor on specific cases.

  • 点击下载教学计划范例(待排)


How to raise children God’s way is a main concern to many Christian parents. God’s Word, the Bible, will provide parents with sufficient truth(2 Pe.1:3-4;2 Tim. 3:16-17) and will well-equip them to bring their children up “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). The Marriage and Family course is a prerequisite to the Parenting course.In other words, only participants who have completed the Marriage and Family course could continue with this course study.

  • 点击下载教学计划范例(待排)



Depression is a concern for the whole society, and the depressed group is one of the most important groups seeking counseling. This class will be developed by CFM and will be presented by biblical counseling expert. It seeks to help counselors  help depressed people with a biblical perspective.

The course will require participants to have a hands-on counselee (it’s not necessarily a formal counseling, and it can be counseling their own parents) in order to put what they learn into practice. All participants may have the opportunity to interact with the instructor on specific cases.

  • 点击下载教学计划范例(待排)

  1. 此课模拟ACBC认证第三阶段,对学员的正式辅导流程进行督导;
  2. 学员需要在四学期内完成50次的正式辅导;
  3. 小班授课,完成辅导报告后可与辅导专家在督导小组就辅导问题进行探讨,听取辅导建议;
  4. 专家(督导)团队将由华语圣经辅导专家(圣辅专业硕士,至少200小时辅导经验)及ACBC FELLOW督导专家组成。
  1. This course is modeled from Phase 3 of ACBC certification process and is to supervise the participants in their formal counseling sessions.
  2. Participants are required to complete 50 sessions of formal counseling over the four-semester period.
  3. The course is to be taught in small group. Participants may have the opportunity to discuss counseling issues with BC experts in a supervisory group after completing their each counseling report and to receive counseling suggestions from their supervisor.
  4. The BC experts(supervisors) team will consist of Chinese biblical counseling experts (with Master’s degree in BC, and at least 200 hours of counseling experience) and some ACBC FELLOWs.
  • 点击下载教学计划范例(待排)


This class was developed in-house by CFM and was presented by Brother Bai Ming. He got his Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling from the Southern Baptist Seminary. He used to serve in counseling when he was in high school. He is a father of two young children, and he  has a passion to counsel your people.This course is open to all students who have completed the Theological Foundation of Biblical Counselor course. The textbook of this course is “Building Bridges – Biblical Counseling Activities for Children and Teens”, translation authorized to CFM.




This is a 12-session (1 per month for a year) interactive online course. The goal of the course is to help train pastors to develop a biblical discipleship/counseling mindset that can be acquired, practiced and modeled by pastors (2 Tim 2:2). Meanwhile, this course will encourage pastors to gradually develop a counseling structure suitable for their own churches through interaction and communication with teachers, experts, and peers. We are expecting this course can provide a groundbreaking template of BC model for all Chinese churches.

This course is taught/led by several BC experts and pastors side by side.

Unlike other courses, male pastors can enroll and participate this course as long as they have completed the CFM Fundamentals course.

  • 教学计划范例(请联系同工获取)


CFM is willing to accompany Chinese brothers and sisters with high English proficiency to obtain the certification in biblical counseling of ACBC by providing resources that have been authorized to release for certification, and by going along with students through their certification applying journey with a plan, strategy, and guidance.



Referring to the ACBC Approved Reading List, CFM students applying for CFM Discipleship Counselor Certification are required to complete book reports on at least four of these books (including one theological book).If students are trying to apply for the Theological Foundation of Biblical Counselor Courses, they need to complete book reports on at least two of these books.

Note: Participants may give preference to books taught by teachers of CFM Reading Group when choosing books. You can refer to the collection of Q&A  from the Reading Courses.

Also, please refer to this file:”Instructions for Writing Reading Reports of Recommended Books for CFM Discipleship Counselor Certification”, in which you can find the list of books which have been translated into Chinese out of the ACBC Approved Reading List.


After Becoming a Biblical Counselor 成为辅导员之后


The church is the body of Jesus Christ, and is the pillar and buttress of God’s truth (1 Tim 3:15).The ministry of counseling that seeks to communicate that truth should rely on the fully ministry of the church.Counseling ultimately seeks, by divine grace, to aid counselees to grow and to conform their life to behavior that glorifies God (Eph 4:1).Christians best grow in grace when they are actively involved in the church.Biblical counselors must be committed to the priority of the church in accomplishing their counseling ministry. Furthermore, biblical counselors should place themselves under the leadership of a church and pursue the accountability of that leadership as it relates to their life, doctrine, and counseling practices. Meanwhile, they should grow and serve in the church.


While accepting the leadership and supervision of the local church, being committed to and participating in the service of the local church, you may consider participating in the counseling ministry of CFM partner organizations/churches to jointly promote the development of the biblical counseling ministry.

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